Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


Honor: 13    [ Give / Take ]


1 entry this month

“Satisfaction guaranteed”

14:36 Aug 12 2007
Times Read: 1,132

Suggested for 'mature' readers.

~ * ~

“Satisfaction guaranteed”

“Erm, I came about the ad. It says ‘satisfaction guaranteed.’”

“So it does, so it does,” a soft voice purred at the other end of the intercom.

“I’ll buzz you in.”

“Cheers,” he responded, looking quickly to his left and right, as the buzzer sounded, announcing the door was open.

He turned the handle, pushing the door open and entered a gloomy hallway, with a stairwell that seemed to reach upwards endlessly.

“Up here.” From the top, a figure looked down at him and James Neal looked up at the sound of her voice.

He’d found the ad. in the personal section of the local free paper:

‘Bad day? Come to Natalie for Satisfaction, guaranteed.’

James had been drinking his second beer, after a very bad day at the office and tea had been just as he’d imagined.

‘One thing,’ he’d mused, as he’d left the house, ‘no-one could say that I married her for her culinary skills.’

He’d liked the idea of satisfaction guaranteed, after all, that was something else that she hadn’t been too hot with of late.

‘In fact she’s been dead cold, since Jake was born,’ he considered, as he’d drank his second whiskey in The Red Lion, prior to phoning the number in the ad.

So he’d phone, with little expectation, except that of something, different from the usual. And that was what he wanted, needed; something, anything, different from the usual, as he was so tired of the day to day.

Finally, a little breathless and swearing off the fags, again, James reached the top landing, where she stood waiting for him.

Tall, with a café au lait skin colour, black hair and flashing brown eyes, he was struck with a sudden attack of lust, as he took in and appreciated the outfit she wore.

She wore an abbreviated white nurses outfit, which might’ve come straight out of a blue movie, except here it was, on her.

“Do come in,” She invited, gesturing with her right hand that he follow her into her flat. He did so eagerly, looking at her thighs and toned calves, accentuated by the white high heels she wore.

“I’m James,” he offered.

“And I’m Natalie,” she responded in kind.

‘Well,’ he thought as he followed, ‘I’d wanted something that wasn’t day to day.’

Her long shapely legs held him fascinated.

“Shall I get drinks?” Natalie asked, as James entered the dimly lit hallway.

“Yes, thanks,” he replied, “what have you got?”

“Whiskey, vodka…”

“Whiskey please, straight?”

He entered the small room she’s indicated to her right and stopped inches away from the foot of the double bed that dominated there.

Other than it there was a small wardrobe, chair by the window, curtains drawn; and a locker either side of the teak finish headboard.

A green towel lay down the middle of the bed.

“You get undressed and I’ll be back with our drinks. And a box of tissues.”

As she finished speaking, Natalie noticed his gaze with pleasure.

James had turned to her and stared voraciously, certain she had undone that zip even further, to show even more cleavage that he’d noticed first off.

James heart beat fast, as he answered.

“Okay,” he responded, removing his jacket.

“And love…?”

“Yes?” he replied.

“It’s seventy, for the massage, okay?”

She smiled as she spoke, turned and left the room.

With nervous expectation, James Neal finished undressing; pleased the room was as warm as it was; and he sat at then end of the bed, the towel draped over his lap, his face turned to the closed door, as minutes passed and a curiosity of the moment filled him with anxiety.

Finally, to his relief, the door opened and Natalie re-entered, oozing sexual allure, as she walked toward Neal, whose eyes watched her every move.

She placed the tray down on the left hand locker and passed him his whiskey.

James took it.

“Seventy pound?” Natalie said to him, with a light smile.

“Why, of course…” He said, knocking back the whiskey and standing.

James walked to his clothes, piled on the chair and looked through his jacket, to find his wallet.

“That’s just for the massage. You realise ‘extra’s will be a little more?”

“Oh yes,” he replied, as if he knew what she meant.

“How much extra?”


He counted out the seventy, then added another forty to the pile and turned to Natalie, who watched him, with a trace of amusement.

‘A newbie. Freshmeat.’

“Here,” he said, offering her the money, which she accepted.

“Okay, that’s business taken care of, now lie on the bed, on the towel…”

He did as instructed, blushing profusely as he became conscious of her giving him the once over, as she looked up from counting the money out.

He lay face down upon the towel, looking toward her, as Natalie opened the drawer nearest to his head and removed a tin locker.

She took a key from the charm bracelet on her slim left wrist; and opening the tin, put the money inside, before re-locking the tin and re-attaching the key to the bracelet.

“Now we can get on,” Natalie said, smiling toward him.

She bent at the waist, to reach something deep inside the locker, causing the overall to rise, exposing her naked buttocks to his eyes.

James was entranced.

After a minute or so of rummaging, she drew out a bottle of oil. She took the top off, and smeared her hands with it.

Slowly she began to massage his shoulders, working each muscle, in such a way that pleasure would momentarily give way to the sweetest pain.

He would groan, as she left one area, disappointed at the cessation of her ministrations there, yet delighted that Natalie would continue working his muscles, very aware of her naked sex, just inches from his face.

She worked his muscles in such a way that every bit of him felt her, as she eased away the pressures of his life.

“Turn over,” she instructed.

James felt good and looked forward to more.

He rolled over, onto his back, erect and ready.

Nalalie knelt on the bed and slid her hands up his legs.

James thought her touch was lovely as the fingers danced across his upper thighs and grasped his hardening cock.

She scooted up and leant over, reaching for the locker across from him.

"I want to feel you deep inside me," she whispered as she extracted a tube of K-Y jelly and a condom: and James eyes widened at the thought of what was about to happen.

As Natalie squeezed his tumescent flesh, a large drop of precum formed and she quickly licked it off with a smile and a wink.

She uncapped the lubricant and ran a thick bead of the viscous clear jelly up the underside of his condom covered stiff prick.

James gasped at the cold feeling but it warmed up as she massaged it all over his erection until the condom glistened shiny and slick.

Natalie put a more on her fingers, lifted the smock and reached between her legs.

Her full breasts wobbled, as she rubbed the lube into her sex and then wiped her hands off on a tissue.

Moving up she straddled James and he gently fondled her powerful long legs. Kneeling over him she unzipped the smock and grasped the hem then pulled it over her head and dropped it to the side.

She leaned forward on one arm and kissed him gently while her other hand reached between them and rubbed the head of his stiff cock between the cheeks of her ass.

As she rose up she bit her lower lip, closing her eyes. He could feel the swollen head slip slowly into her warmth as she lowered herself down upon him: and as his cock was fully engulfed inside her James let out a long sigh.

They lay together quietly like that to fully experience the moment.

He continued to watch, her breasts, as she began to move up and down. James slid eager hands over her belly and upwards, to cup their rounded fullness in his hands, teasing the nipples to hardness.

Rolling them between his fingers and pinching them slightly, Natalie moaned as they found their rhythm, moving together as a team as they fucked.

James raised his head and she lowered her torso so he could suck on her nipples. His hand found her moist pussy and he located her clitoris, to stroke it in unison with their intercourse.

Natalie closed her eyes for a moment, to enjoy, as their actions increased.

He layback again, eyes closed, to concentrate on the matter in hand, as he felt climax approaching.

James felt the familiar pressure thrill though him, as his balls tightened and he shot his hot load into the rubber, deep into her, as found himself enjoying a mind-blowing orgasm.

She was pleased to hear him moan, with satisfaction; soon it would be her turn. Natalie raised himself up and there was an audible wet "pop" as his cock left the warm confines of pussy.

Smiling at him she lowered her head and licked his semen clean from him as she removed the condom.

James took her head in his hands and brought her lips to his and each tongue probed and wrestled for possession of the other.

Then, he closed his eyes and lay back, truly sated.

He had found pleasure, as she’d maintained he would; now it was her turn.

It was then that Natalie leant forward and bit into his neck and held him by his shoulders as she slowly drained him of his lifeblood.

Then, she wiped at the blood dripping from her lips, ‘in satisfaction’ of yet another good meal.



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